$10,000.00 in 21 Days Flat
Hi Fellow Wealth Seeker, My name is Steve Brown. "What if this is true? That was my thought, one sleepless night as I worried about my lack of money and my day-to-day grind. I happened to be watching a real estate guru jumping up and down selling his books and tapes. He said you could buy real estate by simply paying the back taxes owed on the property. "What if this is true?" I had never heard of such a thing...buy property for back taxes...I decided to find out for myself...I was desperate to get out of my money pit. So, in November of 1986, I took my pad and pencil and went down to the County Courthouse. I wanted to learn the truth about buying real estate for owed or back taxes. What I learned shocked me. I learned that anyone can attend public auctions... That's what I wanted to hear... So far so good. I learned that sometimes you can get a deed to a property for one dollar over the opening bid. Wow! I learned that sometimes, nobody shows up at the sale and that liens and mortgages are extinguished by the tax deed sale -I mean wiped out. I thought, "This can't possibly be happening ... not in my town!" So, armed with all of my notes, I decided give it a try. I took a deep breath, hitched up my pants and attended my first real estate auction for back taxes... and guess what? Nobody showed up for the sale. And guess what else? I bought a beach lot on Perdido Key, Florida (with an appraised value of $16,000.00) for $261! That's right! $261! One dollar over the opening bid, and I walked away with a deed to the property! I quickly sold it for $10,000.00.That's when I realized how I was going to reach my financial goals! My dreams could come true. I immediately packed my family in the car and left for Disneyland. This was great so I decided to corner the market. The truth is real estate is everywhere. It's everywhere. It's everywhere. Real estate for back taxes is happening in your county and town and all over the country! Your dreams can come true too. No one person can buy it all up...and I tried. For the next 15 years, I've rarely missed a single tax sale in my county. I found I could only cover my county. That settled that question about cornering the market... there's plenty for everybody. During that period of time, I bought scores of properties for 10, 20, 30 cents - sometimes even pennies- on the dollar, and I've learned one exciting, thrilling thing for sure... you make money on real estate the day you buy it. That means I can't lose. It's almost like printing money because I already know what it's worth before I buy it. Buying real estate for back taxes is the world's greatest opportunity to buy real estate at unbelievable discounts. I find and buy these discounted properties all the time. It's not a fluke . Sometimes people ask me, "Don't the realtors and lawyers get all those good deals"? Or they say to me "That could never happen to me" Make no mistake, the facts are that most all realtors can't even discuss real estate for back taxes with you because they don't know anything factual about it. I can prove my point I'll never forget in 1996, I was attending a tax sale and there was a piece of real estate on a main corridor highway and intersection in my county. I attended the sale and started the bidding. I was the successful bidder at $30,000.00. However, the person who bid me up to $30,000 was one of the foremost, respected realtors in our town. I had never seen him at a tax sale before and I've never seen him at one since, but he attended this one. How he heard about the property, I do not know. But here is my point: Here is one of the most respected and trusted commercial realtors in Pensacola, Florida, and he stopped bidding at $30,000. Why am I telling you this? Because he stopped too soon, the property appraised for $150,000. I was stunned. He was supposed to know. I quickly sold the property for $110,000. In fact I sold it within four months. But I didn't sell it for $150,000. I sold it for $110,000 - that's why I was able to sell it so quickly. You see, I made money on that property "the day I bought it." I bought it at an enormous discount, I sold it at an enormous discount, meaning that I was leaving money on the table for the buyer and buyers love for you to leave money on the table! They recognized that it was a $150,000 piece of property and they were going to be able to buy it for $110,000 and I was able to sell it quickly. Remember , "you make money on real estate the day you buy it." Now, there are two things that will kill your deals faster in real estate than anything else. Here are the two things: Greed and Impatience Let's talk about greed for a minute. On the last deal that I told you about, had I decided to list the property with my realtor at $150,000, well, who knows how long it would have taken to sell that property. However, because I wasn't greedy. I discounted the price, I listed it with a realtor to get the maximum coverage and still I was able to net about a $74,000 profit , even after the realtor's fees and commissions. Henry Ford said it best: "You'll never go broke making a profit." So, don't be greedy, sell your properties at a discount. But to be able to sell at a discount, you've got to buy it at a discount. If you buy it right, you can sell it right. Secondly, the fastest way to kill your deal in real estate is caused by impatience. Let's refer back to that last deal. Before I got the offer for $110,000, my realtor called me with two other offers. The first one was for a mere $75,000. Of course, I said "No way!" Then, the same people called him back and said "Bump it to $90,000" and again I said "No way." Now keep in mind, they had left a $1000 deposit with my realtor with their offer. I instructed my realtor to return their call and advise them that I wasn't interested in their offers and to come pick up their check and that he would tear up the contract.. They came the next morning, walked into his office and said "We'll give him the $110,000." They signed a new contract and we closed the deal. Had I been impatient and not waited and sold the property at $75,000 when they were 'bottom fishing' then I would've been out $35,000. Or if I had accepted their $90,000 offer, I would've been out $20,000. Now granted, I only paid $30,000 for the property and a 300% return is not a bad deal at $90,000. But I knew the property was worth $150,000! Why should I get impatient and sell it for $90,000? So, principle number two is be patient. However, the truly amazing thing about this story is... if I had sold the property for the first offer of $75,000, I still win. I can't lose because I bought it right. This is one of my favorite deals!! The date was May 6,1996. I bought a one-acre parcel of commercial land on a main highway for $6000. I sold it four months later for $42,000. However, I sold it with an Agreement for Deed. This, of course is, explained in full detail in my TOOL KIT, but simply, what this means is the person gave me 10% down, which is $4,200 in cash, and then started making payment of $409 for 20 years. I set the interest rate at 11.75%. The lady was thrilled to be able to buy the property for $42,000 because it appraised for $65,000. I received payments for more than 2 years of $409 per month and then I sold the agreement to a brokerage company for $27,500! I had already received more than $16,800 in payments since we signed the agreement plus the $27,500 from the brokerage company means that I had a gross profit of over $38,000 in less than thirty-six months on an original investment of only $6,000! Sound too good? It's too true! But some of the secrets are so obvious: I bought it right, so I was able to sell it right! At a full 33% under fair market value! I wasn't greedy and I was patient. "I don't have any money. No, I mean I really, really don't have any money." I can't tell you how many times I've heard that. But, it's just an excuse... Money won't solve all your problems but thinking it does will keep you poor. Just a little bit of money The best news about buying real estate for back taxes is that you don't have to have a lot of money to get started... Like I told you, I went to my first sale and bought my first property for $261.00. Every month, I see people buying properties for $900, $1000, $1500 - sometimes even less - $500 or $600. Most of us can have a garage sale and raise $500, $600, $800. So get busy. Real Estate for Back Taxes is one of the greatest secrets in real estate since Columbus discovered America! Real estate is the oldest and one of the safest investments a person can make. It always has been and always will be. Will Rogers said it like this; "Buy land. They ain't makin' no more of it!" Now I'm going to add to that...."You've got to buy it right!" Why buy it at a 10, 15 or 20% discount when you can buy it for 10, 20, or even 25 cents on the dollar? J. Paul Getty said there are three things that you must do if you want to accumulate wealth and become financially independent:
Real estate covers all three of his requirements.
In addition, it is also a business that is historically the oldest, safest and one of the most profitable businesses since the beginning of recorded history. Ask The Donald (Donald Trump) and others.
Real estate for back taxes is real business, and the "Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit' contains real tools. Now you might say "Well, I'll just go out and figure it out for myself" ![]() I told you I tried that - and you'll just fall into many of the same pitfalls I fell into. "The Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit" is the product of 15 years of experience - 15 years of my own personal purchases and sales of real estate for back taxes. I can assure you that the purchase price of $37.77 is absolutely, positively one of - if not - the greatest - investments you'll ever make in your life! And what a deal! Less than $38- Most of us spend more than that going out to dinner. For $37.77 you can buy the tools that can change your financial future. In fact, I believe so strongly that you will benefit from the tools provided in my TOOL KIT, that I will personally guarantee you a complete refund if you have used the TOOL KIT and it does not completely changed your financial future - no questions asked - for 12 months from the date of purchase. And, in addition to my 12 month risk-free offer , I will give you, free with your tool kit, two bonus tools each of which are worth many times more than $38. The first absolutely free bonus tool will be the Asset Protection Resource Guide. Asset Protection should be a vital concern to most of us. Every year, 1 out of 10 Americans is sued. Everybody in America is exposed to lawsuits. Therefore, everybody in America needs some protection - The Asset Protection Resource Guide is one of the finest pieces of work I have ever put together. Now you can protect yourself... become lawsuit proof. It will be given to you "absolutely free" as a bonus tool with your purchase of "The Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit." The second absolutely free bonus tool is the Living Trust. A Living Trust may cost a few hundred dollars to set up, and you will get one free in "The Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit" as a "bonus tool". And now you won't have to have any lawyers involved, probating your estate when you die, reducing your family's inheritance. Your family can sit down and easily settle your entire estate within 60 minutes. You can have it for free with your "Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit" purchase of $37.77. The Do-it-Yourself Living Trust Tool Kit is an absolute must. "This sounds really complicated" Well, if you're looking for a real estate course that's stuffed full of lengthy, complicated techniques, double-dipped in a batter of fluffy hot air, then, don' t invest in "The Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit." But, if you do want to know how to buy real estate in your county for pennies on the dollar, and you want a short-cut that will quickly elevate you up the Real Estate playing field, then you will love "The Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit." I guarantee it. And I'll give you 12 months to have success or just ask for your money back! Follow the simple plan and I guarantee you will have success. "The Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit" is yours today for only $37.77. Don't make the mistake of saying "Well, I'll just go out and figure it out for myself". Chances are, you'll never get around to it. And I can also tell you this: You're going to fumble the ball. You're going to make mistakes. You're going to waste a lot of time. It's going to cost you 100 times more than $37.77. Take it from the voice of experience (there is no substitute for experience), I've been buying real estate for back taxes for 15 years and this will be the most important $37.77 purchase you have ever made. With "The Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit" you will:
and much more.. "The Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit" is tailor-made for your state, not generic, but your state statutes and guidelines, blank forms for duplication and use, quick claim deeds, agreements for deeds, IRS tax lien release request forms and more! Plus the bonus tools! If you're looking to get rich quick, if you're looking for a real estate course containing thousands of pages of worthless information, then "The Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit" is definitely not for you. I will not waste your time sending you a haystack full of fluff and filler just to fill up pages so that you can feel like you've gotten your money's worth. Yes, it does contain several hundred pages of valuable information, but, the Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit is a "cut-to-the-chase", simple, clear, easy-to-read, user-friendly, downloadable product! But more importantly it is an investment that will be worth many, many times more than the price that you will pay. We guarantee it. ![]() Only $37.77. 15 years of experience, thousands of hours of preparation, your state's statutes and guidelines, and much, much more! "The Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit."... if you need a tool and you don't have it, you're already paying for it. The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity. You may not receive another e-mail regarding this tool kit. Act today. You have absolutely nothing to lose with our 12 month, risk-free offer. Sincerely,
P.S Just a personal note: As you begin to buy and sell properties and accumulate some cash, you also begin to accumulate inventory. I've had as many as 20+ properties in my inventory at a time. In 1998, I took a few of those properties and traded them for a 1993 Hatteras 40ft. Motor Yacht. Absolutely incredible! I ended up getting into this yacht for 25 cents on the dollar! After you've been buying and selling properties for a while and you accumulate cash and properties, you're going to be able to trade real properties for toys and other personal property. It's going to happen! I'll never forget walking into the main salon of the Hatteras and my first thoughts were "I really need to do this!" The "Real Estate for Back Taxes Tool Kit" is not "Get rich quick!" rather, it is "Get rich sure!" Follow
the plan, use the tools, be patient. Act
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